• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: fafee23
  • hace 9 años

oraciones con long ???


Respuesta dada por: Milagritosxd
1 How long HAVE YOU WAITED for me?

2 How long HAS it takeN me to run 5 km?

3 How long HAVE you stayED in there?

4 How long  HAS it takeN you TO study English?

5 How long HAS it takeN you TO study Spanish?

6 How long Has it takeN YOU TO go to Acapulco?

7 How long HAS it takeN YOU to finish studYING?

8 How long HAVE you stayED in Chicago?

9 How Long HAVE I been wrong WHILE answering these questions?

10 How Long has it been since you started cooking?
Respuesta dada por: triancruz
 How long were you there? (¿Cuánto tiempo estuviste allí?) 

How long have you lived in Madrid? (¿Cuánto tiempo llevas viviendo en Madrid?)
How long does it take you to get to work? (¿Cuánto tiempo tardas en llegar al trabajo?) 

ok eso es con how long

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