• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: andrearosibel
  • hace 4 años



Part one.

a) Complete the sentences with the correct form of HAVE and the VERB in parentheses to make PRESENT PERFECT SENTENCES.

1) We __________(make) some popcorn.

2) I ___________(do) my homework.

3) She _________(see) that movie twice.

4) Alfredo _________(eat) all the bread and cheese.

5) You __________(try) all the pizzas on this menu.

b) Change into Present perfect negative the following sentences.

1) I have studied for 5 years here.

2) My teacher has worked in the afternoon.

3) Luis has sung “Perfect” in a karaoke.

4) We have read many books.

5) Lily and I have bought clothes in a “flea market”

c) Make ‘yes / no’ present perfect questions using the clues:

1. (They / go / to the USA?)


2. (You / read / ‘War and Peace’?)


3. (She / be / late for a meeting?)


4. (He / meet / your family yet?)


5. (They / live / here as long as we have?)


d) Make ‘wh’ present perfect questions according to GRAMMAR.

1) How long / she / live in London?


2) Where / you / be?


3) How much coffee / you / drink today?


4) What / you / do today?


5) How long / he / work here?


e) Answer the following ‘yes / no’ present perfect questions in English: (you can use short or long answers).

1. Has 2020 been a difficult year?

2. Have you got sick on January 2021?

3. Has Mrs. Ana López been your teacher?

4. Have you ever drunk green tea?

5. Has your favorite singer changed his/her hair color?

6. Have you ever ridden a horse?

7. Have you ever found a treasure?

f) Answer the following WH present perfect question in English: (you can use short or long answers)

1) Where have you bought your shoes?

2) What has your mother cooked for dinner?

3) What have you eaten for breakfast?

4) How long has your family lived in El Salvador?

5) How many times have you traveled by bus this month?

6) How long have you studied English?

7) How many times have you surfed in the internet this week?

g) Complete the sentences with FOR or SINCE

1. I’ve been here ______ two hours.

2. Susy’s mom has worked at the university _______2002.

3. You’ve been there ______ ten o’clock.

4. He’s lived in Zacamil street______ five years.

5. They haven’t seen their cousins______ a long time.

Part two

1. Write down THREE THINGS that you have done in your life and that you think none of your friends have done, using the Present perfect.

2. Write about your friend THREE THINGS that you think he or she has NEVER done, using the Present perfect.

3. Write down THREE THINGS about yourself that have never changed, using ALWAYS and the Present perfect.

4. Make THREE QUESTIONS you would like to ask to a famous person in Present perfect using EVER.





2 My friend

My friend

My friend





4 Famous name:

He or She

He or She

He or She

Me ayudan please


Respuesta dada por: kevinlopezramirez94


la verdad no entiendo ingle ni madres y es un chingo porque todo eso (TT)=_=

Respuesta dada por: jessie294
1. Have made
2. Have done
3. Has seen
4. Has eaten
5. Have tried

1. I haven’t studied for 5 years here
2. My teacher hasn’t worked in the afternoon
3. Louis hasn’t sung perfect in a karaoke
4. We haven’t read many books
5. Lily and I haven’t bought clothes in a flea market
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