• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: km196527
  • hace 4 años

1.3 practice instructions :lt is time to practice the use of articles + Jobs . • match the Jobs on the left to their definitions on the right • put the correct indifinite article ( a/an) before each job or occupation​



Respuesta dada por: valeriamartinezpon


eso significa lo de la imagen


Anónimo: me puedes dar toda la respuesta y te sigo
Anónimo: pliss
km196527: hola
Anónimo: hola, gracias ☆
Anónimo: hola, gracias ☆
km196527: hola
km196527: me podés ayudar
km196527: en mate
moisesalbertohernand: hola
Respuesta dada por: Dio268

  According to what is stated in the statement, we match the professions and job functions, using the articles "A" and "An" for that purpose.


  1. A Doctor  works in the hospital and treats patients.
  2. A Teacher,  she works in a school and teaches students.
  3. A Firefighter, rescues people from burning buildings and helps them.
  4. A Nurse,  works in hospital and helps doctors.
  5. An Actor, a man who acts in a movie.
  6. A Pilot flies an airplane.
  7. A Waiter takes people's orders in a restaurant and serves dishes.
  8. A Police Officer works at the police station and keeps records of thefts.
  9. An Accountant works in a bank and keep's record of money.
  10. A Secretary answers phone calls and does office works for his.
  11. A Taxi Driver drives a taxi.
  12. A Chef  does the cooking in a restaurant or hotel.
  13. A Lawyer defends people's rights in court.
  14. A Manager Manages the affairs of a company or business.

Lear more about professions at: https://brainly.lat/tarea/13195748

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