• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: wilsonaguirre2
  • hace 9 años

una historia con las siguientes palabras y con titulo
strangely mysteriously immediately suddenly unfortunately


Respuesta dada por: yamiblanca
One day, I was returning home, after a long day of work. I was thinking about food because I was hungry. strangely, I didn't realize that I had taken a wrong way and when I decided to return, it started to rain; unfortunately, I hadn't carried my umbrella. Immediately, I started to run looking for a place to shelter from the rain. Misteriously, I found a cave and I got inside it. I was observing the rain when suddenly, I heard a strange noise behind me, when I looked back, I realized that it was a hungry lion that was going to eat me, fortunately, I wake up and I realized that it was only a bad dream and I was safe in my bed.

espero te sirva :)
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