• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: carangosuaza
  • hace 3 años

Por favor señale los verbos que están en presente simple, haga una lista con ellos

Hi! I am Arnold. My sister, Rose, usually gets up early, at about 5:00. She always takes a quick shower. She doesn't make up because she doesn't like it. Then she cooks and has breakfast with me. She goes to work by bus because she sold her car last week. She starts work at 7:00 and finishes at 4:00. Then she goes home and watches TV for an hour or two with me. She goes to bed before 11:00 because she needs to rest well to be energetic the next day.​


Respuesta dada por: Daiiana2007

Respuesta:gets up, takes, make up, cooks, goes to, starts, needs, to be.


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