• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: 3evelin6
  • hace 3 años

Ayuda, por favor...

1.3 Practice
Completa el siguiente ejercicio utilizando la forma comparativa y superlativa de los adjetivos.
1. My brother has a (tidy) _______________________ room than me.
2. Australia is (big) __________________ than England.
3. I'm (good) ________________________ now than yesterday.
4. She's got (little) _____________________ money than you, but she doesn't care.
5. He thinks Chinese is (difficult) _________________ language in the world.
6. Valencia played (bad) _________________ than Real Madrid yesterday.
7. Cats are not (intelligent) _________________ as dogs.
8. Show me (good) _________________ restaurant downtown.
9. (Hot) _________________ desert of all is the Sahara and it's in Africa.
10. Who is (talkative) _________________ person in your family?


Respuesta dada por: ricardopazmino216


1. Tidier

2. Blogger

3. Better

4. Less

5. The most difficult

6. Worse

7. More intelligent

8. The best

9. The hottest

10. The most talkative

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