The Indus Valley culture was a Bronze Age civilization, developing from around 3300 BC. C. until 1300 a. Along the Indus River valley, in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and northwestern India. It encompassed about a hundred settlements and two major cities: Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, both in Pakistan. Altogether, it comprised the largest area of all ancient civilizations, more than a million square kilometers, and spanned several periods, its peak being between 2600 and 1900 BC. C.
Like the civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt, it depended on its river. Like the Nile, the Indus overflowed every year, flooding vast areas and depositing fertile sediments. This immense agricultural potential was the basis on which urbanism around the Indus River developed.
The Indus Valley culture was a Bronze Age civilization, developing from around 3300 BC. C. until 1300 a. Along the Indus River valley, in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and northwestern India. It encompassed about a hundred settlements and two major cities: Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, both in Pakistan. Altogether, it comprised the largest area of all ancient civilizations, more than a million square kilometers, and spanned several periods, its peak being between 2600 and 1900 BC. C.
Like the civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt, it depended on its river. Like the Nile, the Indus overflowed every year, flooding vast areas and depositing fertile sediments. This immense agricultural potential was the basis on which urbanism around the Indus River developed.
La cultura del valle del Indo fue una civilización de la Edad del Bronce, que se desarrolló alrededor del 3300 a. C. C. hasta 1300 a. A lo largo del valle del río Indo, en Afganistán, Pakistán y el noroeste de la India. Abarcaba alrededor de un centenar de asentamientos y dos ciudades importantes: Harappa y Mohenjo-Daro, ambas en Pakistán. En total, comprendió el área más grande de todas las civilizaciones antiguas, más de un millón de kilómetros cuadrados, y se extendió por varios períodos, su pico se encuentra entre el 2600 y el 1900 a. C. C.
Como las civilizaciones de Mesopotamia y Egipto, dependía de su río. Como el Nilo, el Indo se desbordaba cada año, inundando vastas áreas y depositando sedimentos fértiles. Este inmenso potencial agrícola fue la base sobre la que se desarrolló el urbanismo alrededor del río Indo.