• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sussyherrerac07
  • hace 4 años

Completa las oraciones con -er than o-more than.

a. Colombia is hotter than Finlandia. (hot)

b. Ivan is ________
George. (thin)

c. Argentina is ________
France. (cheap)

d. You are _________
me. (tall)

e. French is _________
German (easy)

f. Melanie's house is ________
Ernest's (big)

g. Train is _______
bus (fast)

h. Vegetables are ________
hamburgers (nutritious)

i. William Levy is ___________
David Zepeda (handsome)

j. The Nile is _________ the Ganges (long)

k.John plays tennis ______ Charles (good)​


Respuesta dada por: PiliBello


thinner than

cheaper than

taller than

easier than

bigger than

more nutrious than

more handsome than

longer than

better than

sussyherrerac07: gracias, si me sirvio!!
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