Explicación:Oraciones en inglés en plural
-The women are strong (Las mujeres son fuertes)
-The musicians are playing in the scenery (Los músicos están tocando en el escenario)
-My favorite movies are Mary Poppins and Alice in Wonderland (Mis películas favorias son Mary Poppins y Alicia en el país de las maravillas)
Ejemplos de oraciones negativas en inglés
-I haven't seen him since 2004.
-She wasn't here when I woke up.
-Nobody knows where she was born.
-The weather isn't hot.
-They are not four brothers.
-You weren't at the hospital that night.
-We don't like this kind of people.
-You haven't got a car.
Ejemplos de oraciones interrogativas en inglés
-Are you sure they live here?
-When did she arrive?
-He has a new girlfriend, hasn't he?
-What do you think about the new president?
-Would you like to travel to India?
-Have you watched the movie I talked about?
-How many pupils are now at this classroom?
-You are the new gym-trainer, aren´t you?