• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: KimYeontan2008
  • hace 4 años

Escribe el superlativo para las siguientes oraciones. entre parentesis encuentras el adjetivo, debes volver el adjetivo en superlativo y escribirlo en letra minuscula

1. My sister thinks she's ________ (intelligent) in her course. *

2. Avatar is probably __________ (bad) film I´ve seen! *

3. What is __________ (wet) month of the year in England? *

4. Do you think the Harry Potter films are ___________ (good) books? *

5. Who is ___________ (powerful) person in your country? *

6. I think Shrek is __________ (funny) film. *

7. Is Angelina Jolie __________ (pretty) woman? *

8. John is _________ (nice) person that I know. *

9. Motas is ____________ (fat) dog in the neighborhood. *

10. Chemistry is ___________ ( hard) subject in my school *


Respuesta dada por: ms8083772

1. THE SMARTEST (smart)  

2. THE WORST (bad)  

3. THE Wettest (wet)  

4. THE BEST (good)  

5. HE MOST POWERFUL (powerful)

6.  THE funniest (funny). *  

7.  THE PRETTiEST (pretty) *  

8. the nicest (nice)  

9.  THE fattest (fat)  

10.  the HARDEST( hard)

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