• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Loid51
  • hace 3 años

2. EXERCISE 3. PUT THE SENTENCES IN THE CORRECT ORDER. / Escriba las oraciones en el orden correcto.

a. women / work / used to / The / the fields. / in
b. men / hunt / used to / and / fish. / The
c. used to / of / take / Native Americans / care / the / environment.
d. lot of / Families / a / time together. / used to / spend
e. cook. / didn’t / Men / use to
Ayuda plis

Loid51: :D
franjorq: uwu
Loid51: >:)! HOLA
Loid51: :v


Respuesta dada por: franjorq


a. The women used to work in the fields.

b. The men used to hunt and fish

c. Native Americans used to take care about tu

he enviroment

d. Families used to spend a lot of time together

e. Men didnt use to cook


persona de la que se habla + used to + verbo presente + complemento ;)

Loid51: Gracias te daré coronita :D
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