Answer these questions in complete form
How many regions does Equator have?
How many provinces does Equator have?
What else do you know about different indigenous groups?
Mention two indigenous group for region
Este es la última Mention two indigenous group for region
Answer these questions in complete form
Answer these questions in complete formHow many regions does Equator have?
Due to the passage of the Andes mountain range, which crosses the continental territory from north to south, and the presence of the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador has four regions, each with its own geographic and demographic characteristics: The Coast or Coast, between the ocean Pacific and the mountain range.
Por el paso de la cordillera de los Andes, que atraviesa el territorio continental de norte a sur, y la presencia de las islas Galápagos, el Ecuador tiene cuatro regiones, cada una características geográficas y demográficas propias: El Litoral o Costa, entre el océano Pacífico y la cordillera
How many provinces does Equator have?
In Ecuador, a province It is a political-administrative division formed by the union of two or more cantons. Currently, it has twenty-four (24) provinces
En Ecuador, una provincia Es una división político-administrativa conformada por la unión de dos o más cantones. En la actualidad, cuenta con veinticuatro (24) provincias
What else do you know about different indigenous groups?
there are 13 indigenous peoples with their own language. The indigenous population is recognized as "nationalities". ... Other indigenous peoples include the Chachi (8000) and Tsáchila (3000) in the west of the country, and the Huaorani (2000), Siona, Secoya, Zápara (about 900) and Achuar (5500) in the Amazon.
se cuentan 13 pueblos indígenas con su propia lengua. La población indígena es reconocida como "nacionalidades". ... Otros pueblos indígenas incluyen los Chachi (8000) y Tsáchila (3000) al oeste del país, y los Huaorani (2000), Siona, Secoya, Zápara (unos 900) y Achuar (5500) en la Amazonia.