• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: gisell8657
  • hace 4 años

Answer this questions. Do you think tecnology affects culture positilevy or negatively ​


Respuesta dada por: lalalalalalllala


Positively because thanks to technology is easier for students to do their homeworks, for people that work at home, etc.. Currently it is helping us with the pandemic since we can keep studying through the phone or laptop.

gisell8657: Gracias
lalalalalalllala: De nada!
Respuesta dada por: coriquiroz

Technology positively and negatively affects culture

In some respects, technology has contributed positively to culture, as the flow of information at a high quantity and speed allows knowledge to be shared more easily and comfortably.

Also, a negative aspect could be attributed to this, such as the misrepresentation of facts or information, since through social networks, with so much information flow at high speeds, there are many false or harmful information for society that can influence its behavior or modify their culture.

Aprende más sobre el impacto de la tecnología en la sociedad en: https://brainly.lat/tarea/10307357

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