saquen cuatro oraciones que usen el presente del verbo “to be”, cuatro oraciones
que contengan el pasado del verbo “to be” y cuatro oraciones que empleen el presente simple.
de este texto
Last year my friend Jimena participated as candidate to be the student
representative of her grade in the school elections. I wasn’t aware of the
importance of this process and who the members were, so I asked her about it
getting the following answer:
The School Government is a real space that
promotes the democratic formation and
participation. Students have the opportunity
to elect and be elected, besides representing
the interests of their community. It also
allows them to develop their capacity for
political leadership in our institution.
The different levels of the School
Government are: 1) School principal who
represents the institution before authorities
and implements the decisions of the School
Government; 2) Directive council that helps
with the appropriate functioning and
administration of the school and 3) Academic
council that is in charge of the academic
monitoring and improvement of the students.
There are other participation instances that are means of school community
representation. They serve to support the School Government to promote the
exercise of the rights and duties stipulated in the Political Constitution, laws
and Coexistence Manual. These instances are: student spokesperson
(personero), student controller, student council, parent council and coexistence
When Jimena finished her explanation, I was
clear about the importance of a School
Government. She was a very good teacher.
Thanks to her, I was able to understand the value
of democracy for the constitution of a well-
organized community.
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no sé si me aparese no se porue el número de la de biologia y tttdkkfkfkfnfkckfkgkvkxncnfnxnc fue lo de la clave del jardín de biologia y no te olvides de la clave de la clave del jardín de los chicos que te paso la de la de alado de
no sé si me aparese no se porue el número de la de biologia y tttdkkfkfkfnfkckfkgkvkxncnfnxnc fue lo de la clave del jardín de biologia y no te olvides de la clave de la clave del jardín de los chicos que te paso la de la de alado de
no sé si me aparese no se porue el número de la de biologia y tttdkkfkfkfnfkckfkgkvkxncnfnxnc fue lo de la clave del jardín de biologia y no te olvides de la clave de la clave del jardín de los chicos que te paso la de la de alado de