Write the coordinates of this triangle’s vertices.Lector inmersivo
(1 Punto)
the A is in the coordinate (8,4) the B is in the coordinates (4,-6) and the C coordinates are in (8,-10)
4The graph shows the relationship between two quantities: the time a light bulb has been on (in hours) and the energy consumed (in kilowatts per hour). There are a few points on a straight line and other points that are on another line. Find the coordinates of two points on each line and specify which corresponds to a low energy light bulb and which corresponds to a regular light bulb.
(2 puntos)
I think that de lowers one that are betwwn 0 and 50 could be that whan that has de lowst energy because is in red then de one that in 100 could be too right becuase is in the lower part.
5 Observe the races of two runners.

a) What variables are associated in these functions?

b)One of them is ‘slowing down’ and the other one is ‘speeding up’. Which is which?

c) Who will win the 80 metre race?
(2 puntos)

a)I think that could be a quantitative variable, b)Antonio is Speeding and Rodolfo is slowding, c) I think that Antonio would win the race .
6Select the quantitative variables.
(1 Punto)

How many children are there in your house?

What means of transportation do you like best?

What is your favourite sport?

How old are you?
7The pie chart below shows whether students in a 7th grade class stay to eat at school or not.

a) What fraction of the students stay to eat at school?

b)What percentage of students never stay?
(1 Punto)
8The following histogram shows the weights of the students in a class.

There is only one student who weighs over 70 kg.

a) What colour is the bar that represents the student who weighs 57 kg?

b) How many students weigh between 60 kg and 65 kg?

c) How many students weigh more than 50 kg?

d)How many students are there in the class?
(2 puntos)

a)Green and Yellow could be b)11 studentes. c) 7 students d)There are 29 students in teh class.
9These are the marks given to the students in their last exam:

2 7 8 4 9
1 5 8 6 2
4 6 5 4 5
9 3 2 5 3
6 8 7 8 4
7 2 3 6 8
10 6 10 1 10
5 5 6 10 5

Find the mean, median and mode.Lector inmersivo


Respuesta dada por: Butterflie13

Respuesta: whats??

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Bueno sería entender el Inglés gracias por los puntos

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