• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: juangomez2020777
  • hace 4 años

Necesito 10 oraciones negativas en ingles con cada pronombre si es posible x fa


Respuesta dada por: AlexaSophia


I haven't seen him since 2004.

She wasn't here when I woke up.

Nobody knows where she was born.

The weather isn't hot.

They are not four brothers.

You weren't at the hospital that night.

We don't like this kind of people.

You haven't got a car.

juangomez2020777: No estan las 10 pero weno
AlexaSophia: hay perdon
AlexaSophia: te doy las que faltan?
juangomez2020777: Si ;D
AlexaSophia: pero me sigues?
AlexaSophia: jajaa
juangomez2020777: Si
AlexaSophia: That´s not funny
Nothing is going to happen
AlexaSophia: listo
juangomez2020777: Grax
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