• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: apolo360
  • hace 4 años

Por fa es para HOY ಥ_ಥ ಥ_ಥ ಥ_ಥ
.- Look the video and read the dialogues, complete with the words.

h t t p s : / / y o u t u. b e / U dEa sle U c 5 4

What are they doing? R=

The Clarks are having____a great time. Paul and his parents

Parents aré watchng____ a comedy. It’s so funny. They are_laughinga lot. Lucy
and _her__ mom are_________________________ on yhe

Sofa. Lucy _is playing_______ with _her____ doll. Oliver ____is playing_____

With _his___toy car on the floor. Lucy and Oliver _are not watching____________

The comedy. Olivia is in _her__ room. She Is sitting__________ at her desk. She is typing

__ on her laptop. Mrs. Clark _is leaving__________ now.

Where are yuo going honey? I’m going_____ to the kitchen. I have to make dinner.

I’m __coming_______ too. I wanr to help ypu. Mr. And Mrs Clark aré making_____________

Dinner now. They like to cook together. Mrs. Clark _is slicing_____________ the vegetables and her

Husband _is frying__________ the food. Dinner is ready now.But Olivia is missing. Where is

Olivia? Paul, please go to her room and tell her we _are waiting_________ for her. What are you

Doing Olivia? I’m __writing_________________ an email to my friend, Amy. Dinner is ready. Everyone _is waiting____________________ for you. I’m ____________________ it now… I’m coming.

The Clatks ___________________ dinner now. They _____________________ it. It’s almost

Bedtime. Paul _________________ to the bathroom. He ___________________ his teeth.

Mom, What are Lucy and Oliver doing? Are they sleeping? No, they aren’t. They are taking a bath.

And they _____________________ wáter all around. They are having so much fun. Oliver and Lucy

Are in the bed now. Their mom __________________ them a bedtime story. Olivia ____________

On her bed. She ______________________ at some potos on her phone. Her parents __________

The door. They opening the door. Olivia are you _____________ games on your phone? No, I am

Not. I’m just ___________________ at some potos. Her mom is taking away _______phone. It’s

Very late. It’s time to go to sleep my dear. Olivia’s parents are kissing her Good night. Olivia _____

___________ now. Paul can’t sleep. He is _____________ on a class trip tomorrow. He is ______

_________ about it. He is very excited. It’s morning. Paul is __________ on the trip by bus. The

Kids ____________________ out of the window. Look! A fox __________________ a rabbit.

The rabbit _______________________ really fast! The bus ___________________ a bridge.

Look! There are some animals at the stream! A bear _______________________ fish. And a deer

______________________ wáter! A squirrel _____________________ too! It’s ______________

Towards the stream! Look! There is a helicopter coming towards us! It is ___________________

Very low! Is the pilot waving at us? Yes he is! Let’s wave back at him! The kids are waving back at

The pilot. Wow We are ______________________ a tunnel. It is getting darker and darker! We

Are coming out of the tunnel now! The class ____________________ the botanical garden now.

The teacher is __________________ the kids many plants and flowers. The kids _____________

______________ carefully. Look! There is a bird nest in the tree. Three baby birds ____________

____________ in the nest. They _______________________ for __________ mother.

It is coming now. It’s __________________ them. The bird _______________________ so

Sweetly. It’s getting late. Everybody is getting on the bus. The bus ________________________

Back home.

2.- Answer the next questions:

1.- What is Paul doing in the bathroom?


2.- Is Oliver wearing a red cap?


3.- Where is the laptop?


4.- What is Paul wearing?


5.- Is Olivia playing games on her phone?


6.- What is the rabbit doing?


7.- What is the bear doing?


Good Luck.

English Teacher: Marina Cuevas Patiño.

Algunas partes ya las contesté pero por fa encerio ayúdenme (。ŏ﹏ŏ)

ruthsasolpe2611: Hola cómo estás


Respuesta dada por: ruthsasolpe2611


disculpa no se inglés perdón espero que para la otra te pueda ayudar

apolo360: Si no importa esa otra persona me ayudara
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