• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: samuelpelaez765
  • hace 4 años

Conjugate the next verbs with Personal Pronoun.

Verb - RUN Verb - FLY Verb - EAT Verb - SLEEP

Transform four sentences in the negative form and four in question.


Respuesta dada por: xoxo2000


1.I run / fly/ eat /sleep

you run / fly/eat/sleep

he -she - it runs / flies / eats / sleeps

we run/ fly/eat/sleep

they run/ fly/sleep


I run a marathon.

I don't run a marathon. (negative)

do you run a marathon today ?( interrogative)

the bird flies in the forest

the bird doesn't fly in the forest (negative)

does the bird fly in the forest ?(interrogative)

She eats a lot of sweets and candies.

she doesn't eat a lot of sweets and candies (negative)

does she eat a lot of sweets and candies ?(interrogative)

they sleep in my house tonight.

they don't sleep in my house tonight

do they sleep in your house tonight ?


en el primer ejercicio solo en tercera persona el verbo se modifica se agrega es / s ... depende de la terminación del verbo y esto es en el tiempo presente .

espero te sirva

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