solo tienes que escribir sobre un día inolvidable que te haya pasado de 100-120 palabras
My unforgettable day was when I went to the beach I woke up from my house and went down the stairs and my parents were in their rooms putting things in their suitcases I did not give it importance I went to watch TV after 13 minutes my mother comes out and sees me She told me to go and prepare my suitcase I told her why she said to go to travel then I got on very quickly and then when I already had my suitcase we went to the truck it was 5 fun hours which we watched movies we stopped to buy things and we slept a little when we woke up we were on the beach it is an unforgettable memory to touch the sand and the water for the first time but the best thing is the blue mass, the sea is the best there is in this world as well as the hotel food is something very cool Then we left our suitcases in a room and went swimming inside the hotel there was a pool with a bar that was cool, I also tell you that when I was on the sensor and I clicked the last button and he took me to the top, there were only rooms I got one rich and there was a water and I drank it this is my unforgettable day I hope you have a similar one, thank you
Explicación: ahi esta traducelo al ingles y ya que aqui me lo traduce automaticamente al español