Put wather in a bucket
Close the shower after You take a shower
Choose an outdoor garden appropriate to your climate. Native grass and plants that thrive solely on rainwater are the best.
Install low-flow shower heads and faucet aerators. By saving hot water, you will also reduce your electric bill.
If you are looking for a toilet, buy a low volume, ultra low volume, or double flush toilet.
Fix leaky faucets. All those wasted drops can reach 37-95 liters of water a day.
Only run the dishwasher and washing machine when they are full. When it is time to replace them, buy a model that is efficient in terms of water and energy consumption. Remember that by saving water, you save energy and by saving energy, you save water.
Eat a little less meat, especially beef. The manufacture of a normal hamburger can require about 2,300 liters.
Buy less stuff. The manufacture of all things uses water. So if we buy less, we reduce our water consumption.
Recycle plastic, glass, metals, and paper. Buy reusable products instead of throwaway products, as almost everything requires water to make.
Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth and wash the dishes. Cut your shower time by a minute or two. Even the smallest things can make a difference if they are done by millions of people.
Find out where the water you drink comes from, the river, lake, or aquifer that supplies your home. Once you know him, you will care about him. You don't want to waste water.