• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: gabi487
  • hace 4 años

Correct the mistakes:
1. Liz are ill.
2. Ben am my best friend.
3. Liz and Kate is sisters.
4. Tim and Bob is at home.
5. Dogs is animals.
6. Nick are from London.
7. Bill am eleven now.
8. They is very lazy.
9. We am in the hall.

Answer about yourself:
1. Are you a student?
2. Are you eleven?
3. How old are you?
4. Are from Paris?
5. Are you from France?
6. What country are you from?
7. Are you a sportsman?
8. What is your home address?
9. What is your phone number?

Ask questions and give short form answers:
1. ___ he a doctor? Yes, he ___ .
2. ___ you in the classroom? No. we ____.
3. ___ they friends? Yes, they ____ .
4. ___ Liz at home? No, she _____ .
5. ___ you singers? Yes, we _____ .
6. ___ that Nick? No, he _____ .
7. ___ Bob from London? Yes, he _____ .
8. ___ you ten? Yes, I _____ .
9. ___ it a cat? Yes, it _____ .


Respuesta dada por: mo0ndust


1. Liz is ill.

2. Ben is my best friend.

3. Liz and Kate are sisters.

4. Tim and Bob are at home.

5. Dogs are animals.

6. Nick is from London.

7. Bill is eleven now.

8. They are very lazy.

9. We are in the hall.

Ask questions and give short form answers:

1. __Is_ he a doctor? Yes, he _is__ .

2. _Are__ you in the classroom? No. we __aren't__.

3. _Are__ they friends? Yes, they __are__ .

4. _Is__ Liz at home? No, she __isn't___ .

5. _Are__ you singers? Yes, we __are___ .

6. _Is__ that Nick? No, he _isn't____ .

7. _Is__ Bob from London? Yes, he _is____ .

8. _Are__ you ten? Yes, I _am____ .

9. _Is_ it a cat? Yes, it _is____ .


El segundo ítem debes responderlo de forma personal. Espero haberte ayudado. Saludos!

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