Compare answers with a classma
In your notebook, draw a similar
information of the story you chos
Use the graphic organizer
story of The Boy and the
Exchange your sentences with
checklist in the box to write so
The sentences are easy to u
The past is used correctly.
(An adaptation from Andrew Lang's version)
any moons ago there was a good After the food was finished, he ate rom
Indian hunter who decided to and berries from the forest. But then
live in the forest with his family, winter came, and there was no food
. Nil
away from the evil of others. He had a knowing what to do, the boy followed
wife and three children. As time passed, pack of gray wolves and ate what the
his wife died and he grew old and weak, had left behind. The wolves noticed to
so he spoke to his older son and daughter. little boy and felt sorry for him, so the
He told them “I love you, and I wish you accepted him as a friend. Little by little
well, but please," he begged, "do not the boy became part of the wolf pack.
abandon your younger brother, for he is
young and weak”. The son and daughter One day, the big brother was traveling
promised, with tears in their eyes, to through the forest, and he heard an India
always take care of their little bother. cty that sounded like a wolf. But then, he
And with this promise, their feet recognized the voice of his little ponis
smiled and passed away peacefully. He called after him, "Come back, please
I'm sorry!" As the big brother shouted
Alister some time, both brother and the little boy changed into a wolf. The
sister got tired of taking care of their big brother cried, but the little wolf-boy
brother. The eldest brother left first, had no time for him. Once transformed
and after one year, the sister told her he ran after his new brothers, the wolves
little brother, "Here's food for you. I'll
go to find our brother, and we'll come The big brother came back to town and
back for you”. The sister left and found told his sister what he had seen. Since
her older brother, but she did not come that day, they were sad and miserable
back. Both brother and sister started a always lamenting on
new life in town.
• Give the sentences back so that
a better version.
Practice retelling the complete
sentences you wrote in the diag
10. Complete the questions for the
1 How long
The food lasted for a few mo
2 Why
Because they felt bad for his
3 What
The brother and sister felt b
Listen to a conversat
B Literary
The little boy survived for a few
Write four more questions
ne asking and ansy
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