Look, read, and write the words.
1 It has eight legs. It likes hiding
in rocks. octopus
2 It has five legs. It can be many
3 It's a big fish. It has many sharp teeth. It's
very dangerous!
4 It's very big. It's very heavy, too. It's not a
5 It has a shell. It's good at swimming.
Respuesta dada por:
1. spider
2. kangaroo
3. shark
4. elephant
5. turtle
Respuesta dada por:
En el siguiente ejercicio de adivinanzas, se debe leer (read) la descripción para escribir (write) el animal correcto:
- Spider: It has eight legs. It likes hiding in rocks.
- Kangaroo: It has five legs. It can be many different colors.
- Shark: It's a big fish. It has many sharp teeth. It's very dangerous!
- Elephant: It's very big. It's very heavy, too. It's not a fish.
- Turtle: It has a shell. It's good at swimming.
Más animales en inglés
- Antelope = antílope
- Eagle = águila
- Chicken = pollo
- Hen = gallina
- Rooster / cock = gallo
- Chick = pollito
- Crab = cangrejo
- Dolphin = delfín
- Shark = tiburón
- Donkey = burro
- Goat = cabra
- Horse = caballo
- Seal = foca
- Sea turtle = tortuga marina
- Squirrel = ardilla
- Owl = búho
- Duck = pato
- Ant = hormiga
- Chimpanzee = chimpancé
Puedes ver más animales en inglés en: https://brainly.lat/tarea/280379

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