The skeletal system works as a support structure for your body. It gives the body its shape, allows movement, makes blood cells, provides protection for organs and stores minerals. The skeletal system is also called the musculoskeletal system.
¿Cuál es la función del sistema esquelético?
El sistema esquelético tiene varias funciones, entre ellas las más destacadas son: Sostén mecánico del cuerpo y de sus partes blandas: funcionando como armazón que mantiene la morfología corporal. Mantenimiento postural: permite posturas como la bipedestación.
What is the function of the Skeletal System?
The skeletal system has several functions, among them the most prominent are: Mechanical support of the body and its soft parts: functioning as a framework that maintains body morphology. Postural maintenance: allows postures such as standing.
What is the skeletal system?
The skeletal system is your body’s central framework. It consists of bones and connective tissue, including cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. It’s also called the musculoskeletal system.