• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ejejejejejje
  • hace 4 años

EJEMPLOS: VEAMOS ESTOS EJEMPLOS QUE NOO CUMPLEN LASREGLAS ANTERIORES YUTILIZAMOS LOS VERBOS IRREGULARES · He began to think about his life. ------ l comenzó a pensar su vida · He. came to the. airport. ----- el llego al aeropuerto · I was very sad – yo estaba muy triste CHOOSE THE CORRECT OPTION IN PAST TENSEOPTION TO FILL THE BLANK SPACE 1. From the point of view of internacional law, following the first world war a series of internacional conventions were _____ collage is a relatively new form of art, at least in its modern style, invented by surrealists and dadaists after the first world war. A. finish B. adopted C. end D. began 2. The First World War represented one of the most destructive wars in modern history. as a result of the hostilities, almost ten million soldiers ___, A. expire B. died C. endorse D. aceppted 3. Friedrich Ebert. Two days later, German representatives, led by MATTHIAS Herzberger of the catholic center party (Zentrum), met in a wagon in the forest of Compiegne with a delegation of the victorious powers of the entente under the command of French field marshal Ferdinand Foch, commanding general of the entente forces, and _____ the terms of the armistice. A. apply B. accepted C. integrated D. affect 4. to conclude, on the eve of world war first, the British foreign secretary, sir edward grey, ______ that the lights would go out all over Europe. A. feared B. emerge C. materialized D. aquire READING AND COMPREHENSION 5. What pope was elected after the first world war ? ( it isn’t in the text you should looking to it) A. Francisco B. Benedict xv C. Pio II D. Benedict xv 6. What gave start to World War 1? A. the murder of the heirs of the Austro-Hungarian crown B. the collapse of the world market C. discovered américa D. death of the pope of the moment 7. what country did not intervene in the first world war A. IMPERIO AUSTROH B. CHINA C. CANADA D. USA 8. What does the text refer to when it speaks of the offensive of the 100 days? A. third world war B


Respuesta dada por: zuzethmoo



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