• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: luz6416
  • hace 4 años

Buscar oraciones en voz pasiva utilizadas al leer: The Job Interview
Susan was looking for a job for a very long time. Finally, after many months of
sending lots CVs a letter was sent to her. The letter Susan received said: "We want
to interview you. You need to take a psychometric test, too". Last year, more than
70% of the companies used these tests for potential employees. Susan had applied
for the job of assistant in the Public Relations department of one of those
On the day of the interview, she arrived early and she was taken upstairs to the
office where she had to take the test. Susan respected the short time limit set for
the test. She ended up choosing, as quickly as she could, the adjectives that better
described her at work. However, she had a difficult time with the test and she
didn't fill out all the answers.
One week later, a letter with a copy of her profile analysis was sent by the company
and she found out that she was turned down for the job. Susan disagreed with the results as she was described
as an ambitious and impatient person. She refused to give up and she called a psychologist friend and asked for
an explanation. After talking to her, Susan sent a polite disagreement letter to the company. The company
answer back apologizing.
Susan was asked to take a longer and more detailed psychometric test and to keep on with the recruitment
process. This time she didn't run out of time and the results she got were more realistic and accurate. The


Respuesta dada por: mariadelcarmensevill


“I was given a prescription” – I know that only doctors give prescriptions, so I don’t need to add “by the doctor”.

After talking to her, Susan sent a polite disagreement letter to the company. The company

answer back apologizing.


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