• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: fijolquemado
  • hace 9 años

hola amigos necesito los números en ingle del 1000 hasta 2000 pero en 5 en 5 me pueden ayudar



Respuesta dada por: hierrolis
one thousand
one thousand one
one thousand two
one thousand three
one thousand four
one thousand five
one thousand six
one thousand seven
one thousand eight
one thousand nine
one thousandten
one thousand eleven
one thousand twelve
one thousand thirteen 
one thousand fourteen
one thousand fifteen
one thousand sixteen
one thousand seventeen
one thousand eighteen
one thousandnineteen
one thousand twenty
one thousand twenty-one
one thousand twenty-two
one thousand twenty-three
one thousand twenty-four
one thousand twenty-five
one thousand twenty-six
one thousandtwenty-seven
one thousand twenty-eight
one thousand twenty-nine
one thousand thirty
one thousand thirty-one
one thousand thirty-two
one thousand thirty three
one thousand thirty-four
onethousand thirty-five
one thousand thirty-six
one thousand thirty-seven
one thousand thirty-eight
one thousand thirty-nine
one thousand forty
one thousand forty-one
one thousand forty-two
onethousand forty-three
one thousand forty-four
one thousand forty-five
one thousand forty-six
one thousand forty-seven
one thousand forty-eight
one thousand forty-nine
one thousand fifty
one thousandfifty one
one thousand fifty-two
one thousand fifty-three
one thousand fifty-four
one thousand fifty-five
one thousand fifty-six
one thousand fifty-seven
one thousand and fifty eight
onethousand fifty-nine
one thousand and sixty
one thousand sixty-one
one thousand sixty-two
one thousand sixty-three
one thousand sixty-four
one thousand sixty-five
one thousand sixty-six
one thousandsixty-seven
one thousand sixty-eight
one thousand sixty-nine
one thousand and seventy
one thousand seventy one
one thousand seventy-two
one thousand seventy-three
one thousand seventy-fourone thousand seventy-five
one thousand seventy-six
one thousand seventy-seven
one thousand seventy eight
one thousand seventy-nine
one thousand eighty
one thousand eighty-one

fijolquemado: era en ingles
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