• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: dayanamaritza20
  • hace 4 años

Pon los verbos entre paréntesis en la forma correcta de infinitivo. ¡Ten cuidado!

1. This book is too long ______________ (read)

2. My brother always makes me _______________(take) the dog for a walk.

3. I know where _____________________(find) the cheapest CDs in town.

4. Mum is going to the bakery __________________(buy) some bread.

5. You should ____________(tell) your teacher about this problem.

6. We want ______________(travel) to Vienna in the spring.

7. I can _______________(understand) how happy she is from the look on her fase.

8 Victoria would like ________________(become) a famous Singer.

9. I promise ________________(come) home before 10 o´clock.

10. We don´t have enough money ________________ (stay) in an expensive hotel.


Respuesta dada por: buenas09


1''' To read

2'''' to take

3''' to find

4'''' to buy

5'''' to tell

6''' to travel

7'''' to understand

8''' to become

9''' to come

10''' to stay


para conjugar un verbo en ingles solo tienes que utilizar ''to'' el to hace que cada verbo termine en ''r'' como en español.

ejemplo.. to come es el verbo conjugado en ingles y en español solo se le agrega una ''r'' que seria ''venir''

espero que te sirva

dayanamaritza20: gracias nena
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