• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lorenaaromerog
  • hace 4 años

complete el siguiente cuadro de diálogo con la forma correcta del pasado simple de BE.
A: Where ________ you yesterday after class?
B: I __________ at the school cafeteria.
A: Why ________ you there?
B: Because my friends __________there and i wanted to eat a hot dog
A: _________ it good?
B: No, not really! It___________that good


Respuesta dada por: yamagaba24
A:Where were you
B: I was at the school
A: why were you there
B: because my friends were there
A: was it good
B: it was that good

Espero te sirva

lorenaaromerog: muchísimas gracias, te mereces una coronita de mi parte nwn
yamagaba24: Si denada
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