• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: smunizmalumno
  • hace 4 años

hola chicos me pueden ayudar a resolver esto:
tienes que leer el texto y responder las preguntas(es de inglés)
me ayudan?plis

It was a normal sunny day in the form
school yard with his friends Octavios fother
in his boky He made bread and sold to
people of Pompelt Octavio s mother won
There's a high mountain near Pompeii Isa
volcano called Mount Vesuvius On that do
mere was emake on the top of the volcano Suddenly, there was a terrible
molsa The earth trembled The volcano erupted and lava flourd doon the
mountain in minutes, there was love in the school Octavious and his
friends can but the horlava soon covered them I Covered whole town
in Italy in AD 79 Octavio Aurels Whe
Read the text aboul
Search and
home with Octavio's sisters
Pompe and all me people who were there on that terrible
Answer the questions about the texto in exerc

*What did Octavio's father do?
*What is Mount Vesuvius?
*What was on the top of Mount vesuvius that day?
*What did the earth do?
*What did the lava do to the town of Pompell?​


Respuesta dada por: angelesmarudiaz
hola si yo tambien F suerte para vos xd y para mi xd
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