• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: NOPIN
  • hace 4 años

Select the correct option to create the Conditional with the correct form (Type I, II or III).
If I (am – will be – were – had been - would be – would have been) stronger, I'd help you carry the piano.
If she (doesn`t she – won`t she – hadn`t seen – didn`t see – wouldn`t see – wouldn`t have seen ) him every day, she'd be lovesick.
If you drop the vase, it (breaks – wiol break – broke – had broken – would break – would have broken ).
If we (meet – will meet – met – had met – would meet - would have meet) him tomorrow, we'll say hello.
He would have repaired the car himself if he has – will have – had – had had – would have – would have had) the tools.
If we'd seen you, we (Stop – will stop – stopped – had stopped – would stopped – would have stopped)If I hadn't studied, I (do not pass – will not pass – did not pass - had not passed – would not pass – would not have passed) the exam.
I wouldn't go to school by bus if I (have - will have - had – had had – would have – would have had) a driving licence.
Put in the verbs in brackets and form a Conditional sentence
If they ___________ (to listen) carefully, they might hear the woodpecker.
If I had lain down on the sofa, I _______________ (to fall) asleep.
Susan could have worked as a model if she _______________(to be) taller.
The soil _________________(not/to dry out) if you water the plants regularly.
If you ___________________(to give) the young boy this stick, he'd hurt himself.
We _______________(not/to take) the wrong tram if Ronaldo had asked the policewoman.


Respuesta dada por: srcapera02


casi no entiendo perdón: ((((((,,,,,

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