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En febrero de 1880, con la sanción de la ley que proclamó a la ciudad de Buenos Aires como Capital Federal de la República Argentina, se inició el proceso político que culminó con la fundación de la ciudad de La Plata. El gobierno provincial tuvo que trasladarse a otra ciudad, para lo cual se estudiaron varias localidades de Buenos Aires pero ninguna resultó satisfactoria. El entonces gobernador de la provincia, Dr. Dardo Rocha, decidió fundar una nueva ciudad. El Municipio de Ensenada reunió las condiciones necesarias: contaba con puerto, relativa proximidad a Buenos Aires, buenas condiciones topográficas y climáticas, y posibilidades de encauzar allí la economía de la provincia. Por decreto del 6 de mayo de 1881 se convocó a un concurso internacional para proyectar los cuatro edificios principales: Casa de Gobierno, Legislatura, Municipio y Catedral.
In February 1880, with the enactment of the law that proclaimed the city of Buenos Aires as the Federal Capital of the Argentine Republic, the political process began that culminated in the founding of the city of La Plata. The provincial government had to move to another city, for which several locations in Buenos Aires were studied but none were satisfactory. The then governor of the province, Dr. Dardo Rocha, decided to found a new city. The Municipality of Ensenada met the necessary conditions: it had a port, relative proximity to Buenos Aires, good topographic and climatic conditions, and possibilities of channeling the province's economy there. By decree of May 6, 1881, an international competition was called to project the four main buildings: Government House, Legislature, Municipality and Cathedral.
In February 1880, with the sanction of the law that proclaimed the city of Buenos Aires as Federal Capital of the Argentine Republic, the political process that culminated in the founding of the city of La Plata began. The provincial government had to move to another city, for which several locations of Buenos Aires were studied but none were satisfactory. The then governor of the province, Dr. Dardo Rocha, decided to found a new city. The Municipality of Ensenada met the necessary conditions: it had a port, relative proximity to Buenos Aires, good topographical and climatic conditions, and possibilities to channel the economy of the province there. By decree of 6 May 1881 an international competition was convened to project the four main buildings: Government House, Legislature, Municipality and Cathedral.