• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: barbara2403
  • hace 4 años

Must and have ejercicios

¿Probabilidad, obligación o prohibición? Señala a qué hace referencia cada frase:

a) You don’t ______________ do it

b) They ____________ smoke inside the room

c) I can’t hear any noise. She _______________be sleeping.

d) They have been working all day. They ___________be tired.

e) If you ever come to London, you _______________ come to visit me!

Must and have: ¿con cuál te quedas en cada caso?

a) Daniel is so tired. He ______________ go to bed

b) She didn’t get the job. She ______________ be so disappointed!

c) He __________________ pay the admission.

d) Did you _____________________ get a visa to visit Russia?

e) You _____________________ go to the Eiffel’s Tower if you are in Paris


Respuesta dada por: jdpc271gamingpajwbl

a) You don't have to do it (Probabilidad porque la persona puede decidir no hacerla o hacerla)

b) They can't smoke inside the room (Prohibición)

c) I can't hear any noise. She Must be sleeping (Probabilidad)

d)They have been working all day. They must be tired (Probabilidad)

e) If you ever come to London, you need come to visit me! (Obligacion)

Must and have

a) Daniel is so tired. He must go to bed.

b) She didn't get the job. She must be so disappointed.

c)He Has/Must pay the admission (both work here)

d) Did you have to get a visa to visit Russia?

e) You must go to the Eiffel Tower if you are in Paris.

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