1 I have studied hard for the test.
2 You have arrived early.
3 He has eaten a delicious food.
4 She has solved all the Math problems.
5 It has jumped very high.
6 We have sung an english song.
7 They have drunk a glass of cold tea.
8 I have played that new game.
9 We have baked a cake.
10 They have danced at the party.
1 I haven't watched that new film.
2 You haven't washed the dishes yet.
3 He hasn't understood the english exercises.
4 She hasn't translated all the sentences.
5 It hasn't barked yet.
6 You haven't painted those walls.
7 We haven't copied the text.
8 He hasn't gone to the doctor yet.
9 She hasn't played baseball at the park yet.
10 You haven't celebrated your birthday party yet.
1 Have you studied for the test?
2 Has he bought that car?
3 Has she made a French course?
4 Has it Jumped by the fence?
5 Have she finished her homework?
6 Have they done their homework?
7 Have you finished the project?
8 Have they completed the task?
9 Has he learned the English lesson?
10 Have you talked to him?
El presente perfecto afirmativo se construye de la siguiente manera:
Sujeto + Have o Has + Verbo en participio pasado + Complemento.
El presente perfecto negativo se construye de la siguiente manera:
Sujeto + Hasn't o Haven't + Verbo en participio pasado + Complemento.
El presente perfecto Interrogativo se construye de la siguiente manera:
Have o Has + Sujeto + Verbo en participio pasado + Complemento?
El auxiliar Have se complementa con I - You - We - They
El auxiliar Has se complementa con He - She - It.