• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: adrihl17
  • hace 4 años

1. Completa las oraciones con la opción correcta:
Frank: _________ books do you need to read this term?
Chris: About 12.
Frank: _________ words do you read per minute?
Chris: I don’t really know. I haven’t counted them.
Frank: I heard about a course that makes you read fast.
Chris: Oh, that’ll be great. _________ does it cost?
Frank: 1000 dollars.
Chris: That’s a good price. _________ time does it take?
Frank: I don’t know.

2. Completa la frase con la opción correcta:
a) I only have _________________ money.
1. little
2. few
b) I need ______________ lamps.
1. little
2. few
c) I drink ________________ wine.
1. Little
2. few

3. Escoge la respuesta correcta.
a) They have had __________ accidents this year.
Vocabulary: They have had: Han tenido
1. many
2. much
3. a lot of
b) I wouldn´t like to drink __________ beer.
Vocabulary: I wouldn’t like: no me gustaría. Beer: cerveza
1. much
2. many
3. a lot of
c) I don’t need __________ toothpaste.
Vocabulary: Toothpaste: crema dental
1. much
2. a lot of
3. many
d) Does she buy __________ Christmas trees?
Vocabulary: Christmas trees: árboles de navidad
1. much
2. a lot of
3. many
e) Do you need __________ pens for the meeting?
Vocabulary: Pens: bolígrafos. Meeting: Reunión
1. a lot of
2. much
3. many
f) Do you know if Ralph has __________ brothers and sisters?
1. a lot of
2. much
3. many
g) Dou you want __________ sugar with your coffee?
1. many
2. much
3. a lot of
h) I bought __________ books yesterday.
Vocabulary:I bought: compré
1. much
2. a lot of
3. many

por favor es para hoy, doy coronita al que sepa
y el q no y responda tonterías lo reporto


Respuesta dada por: lizz65
1-a) what
How many
How much
How many

2- a) few
C) little

3- a) a lot of
B)a lot of
D) many
E) many
F) a lot of
G)a lot of

adrihl17: gracias
Respuesta dada por: adrividal1148


cuáles son las respuestas

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