Preparación del taller: Traduce en Español las siguientes oraciones. Transcríbelas
en pasado simple (en Inglés)
1. She was forgetting she was angry but he started a fight
2. I met my new employer when we were travelling from Australia.
3. They were improving the service.
4. He was trying to change their mind.
5. It was raining so I decided to stay home.
1. She was forgetting she was angry but he started a fight
Español: Ella se estaba olvidando de que estaba enfadada pero el empezó una pelea
Past simple: She forgot she was angry but he started a fight
2. I met my new employer when we were travelling from Australia.
Español: Conocí a mi nuevo empleador cunado estabamos viajando desde Australia
Past simple: I met my new employer when we travelled from Australia
3. They were improving the service.
Español: Ellos estaban mejorando el servicio
Past simple: They improved the service
4. He was trying to change their mind.
Español: El estaba intentando hacerlos cambiar de opinión
Past simple: He tried to change their mind
5. It was raining so I decided to stay home.
Español: Estaba lloviendo así que decidí quedarme en casa
Past simple: It rained so I decided to stay home
Espero que te sirva :D
Estructura: WH- (BE WAS/WERE)-pronombre o sujeto-verb ING- complemento-?
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