Escribir 2 oración afirmativa, 2 negativa, y 2 interrogativas en inglés en pasado perfecto
Oraciones en PAST PERFECT (pasado perfecto) en forma negativa:
You hadn't been in therapy before the incident
He hadn't arrived the office when I started working
I hadn't slept well in weeks when I presented the test
We hadn't felt good when we took the train
They hadn't prepared the presentation when we talked
Oraciones en PAST PERFECT (pasado perfecto) en forma afirmativa:
I had asked for help before the semester
We had worked in the project when he
The bus had left when I arrived to the station
She had cleaned the house when we knocked the door
They had married their girlfriends when I got engaged
Oraciones en PAST PERFECT (pasado perfecto) en forma interrogativa:
Had they known the team?
Hadn't she finish the essay?
Had you cooked the dinner?
Had Mary traveled with you before?
Had He given you the right information?
El PAST PERFECT es un tiempo verbal que indica acciones que ocurrieron en tiempo pasado pero antes del pasado reciente, por lo que se usa para eventos que pasaron antes que otros.
Este se construye gramaticalmente de la siguiente forma:
Afirmativo: Sujeto + HAD + Verbo en Participio Pasado + Complemento
Negativo: Sujeto + HAD + Verbo en Participio Pasado + Complemento
Interrogativo: HAD + Sujeto + Verbo en Participio Pasado + Complemento
espero te ayude :)
he is slepping (el esta durmiendo)
she is playing (ella esta jugando)
aren´t eating (no estan comiendo)
they are not play baseball (ellos no juegan beisbol)
interrogativas en pasado perfecto
Had we worked? (¿Nosotros habíamos trabajado?)
Had you cooked something special for me? (¿Tú habías cocinado algo especial para mí?)