• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: cafeclickcubarral
  • hace 4 años

1. She_____ (think) Manuel is crazy.
2. They_____ (not know) what to say.
3. ___(feel/she) ok?
4. He ____(not be) a relative of mine.
5. I_____ (not know) who she (be).
6. She____ (wash) her car every week.
7. Paul____ (sleep) seven hours a day.
8. Mary and John____ (be) my cousins.
9. She always ___ (win).
10. James _____ (cry) very easily.
11. She ___ (pray) in church every Sunday.
12. Sarah___ (not like) pop music.
13. _____(John / play) football everyday?
14. ____(be) she a friend of yours?
15.___ (be) they in love?
16. ____(believe/ Mary) in God?
17. Who___ (be) your favourite football player?


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1. thinks

2. do not know

3. Does she feel ok?

4. is not

5. do not know - is

6. washes

7. sleeps

8. are

9. wins

10. cries

11. prays

12. does not

13. Does John play football every day?

14. Is

15. Are

16. Does Mary believe in God?

17. is


Cuando las oraciones tienen como sujeto a 3era persona al verbo principal debemos agregarle S o ES.

La forma negativa del presente simple se construye con Do not o Does not + Verbo en su forma base.

La forma Interrogativa del presente simple se construye con Do o Does + Sujeto + Verbo en su forma base + Complemento?

En las oraciones de presente con el Verbo to Be este lo usamos en todas las oraciones.

Afirmativas. Am - Is - Are

Negativas. Am not - is not - Are not.

Interrogativas. Are - Is o Am + Sujeto + Complemento?

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