• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: 20402080163137
  • hace 4 años

4._turkeys are sold in between november and december ?

5._does this package of socks cost?
R:six dollars.

6._aspirins should i take for a headache?
R:one every six hours if the discomfort persists.

7._salt do i have to add t o a 50 gallon:
R:half a cup of salt per gallon.

8._gallons of milk do you need for the chocolate?
R:i need 2 gallons.

9._types of memory does a computer have?
R:it has two different types of memory, one for storing data permanently and a second one for operating.

10. _oil does a jetta transmission needd?
R:Three liters


Respuesta dada por: patrirueda02
4:How many
5:How much
6:How many
7:How much
8:How many
9:How many
10:How much
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