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The fish is an acuatic vertebrate. In general, they have scales all over the body, and 5 types of fins, the dorsal fin, the caudal fin, the anal fin, the pelvic fins and the pectoral fins.
Fishes can breath water oxygen that passes through it's gills.
They can be hebivores, carnivorous, frugivorous, etc...
Fishes can breath water oxygen that passes through it's gills.
They can be hebivores, carnivorous, frugivorous, etc...
Respuesta dada por:
Descripción del Pez en inglés.
- En inglés.
The fishes are aquatic vertebrates. They have bone or cartilaginous skeleton. They have fins to move in the water: even or odd. His body is covered with scales. They breathe through gills the dissolved oxygen in the water. They have cold temperature. They reproduce by eggs. They leave the eggs in the water. Its circulation is simple and complete.
- En español.
Son vertebrados acuáticos. Tienen esqueleto óseo o cartilaginoso. Tienen aletas para moverse en el agua: pares o impares. Su cuerpo está recubierto de escamas. Respiran por branquias el oxígeno disuelto en el agua. Tienen temperatura fría. Se reproducen por huevos. Abandonan los huevos en el agua. Su circulación es sencilla y completa.
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