• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: joseelitoomorenito
  • hace 4 años

6.- Fill in the blanks using “little” or “few”.
1. There is__________ money in the wallet.
2. I’ve got a __________ books.
3. My mum has got a___________ cigarettes in the packet.
4. I can’t wait for you. I’ve got ____________ time.
5. Fred has got a ___________ English books.
6. Brenda has got a ___________ friends.
7. There is ___________butter left. We need to buy some.
8. There are _____________ people at the cinema as the film is not very good.
9. I have got _______________magazines. I prefer books.
10. There is a _____________ pizza in the fridge if you are hungry.
urgentee necesito ayuda


Respuesta dada por: ulisesguzm523


EN todas va few


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