• Asignatura: Geografía
  • Autor: lachullisss
  • hace 5 años

10actividades con causa y efecto en areas persosonales,academicas y laborales de ingles espara mañana ayudaa


Respuesta dada por: anthonygarciam28


1. If you don't come home early, you're going to be grounded.

2. If you take care of your friends, they'll always be there when you need them.

3. If you eat your bowl of vegetables, you will be healthy.

4. If you do not study, you're going to fail

5. If you don't wash your hands, you may get sick

6. If he doesn't call her, maybe he's about to lose her.

7. If she weren't that obnoxious, people would talk to her

8. If we wouldn't been here, there's nothing could be happened

9. If Paula doesn't like him, why she asked him out?

10. If Johnny call, please notice him to be here tomorrow at 7:00

anthonygarciam28: espero te sirva
lachullisss: muchas gracias por tu apoyo pero esas si ya las tengo me faltan mas
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