• Asignatura: Biología
  • Autor: huertas16laura
  • hace 4 años

Cual de las afirmaciones son verdaderas segun la circumnutation:
1-Circumnutation is observed in all young plants (not including mature trees with a woody trunk).
2-The movement of circumnutation is powered by the plant's pulvinus.
3-Gravity influences the size and rate of circumnutation.
4-Circumnutation is not affected by gravity.
5-The size of the circumnutation is the same for all plants.
6-The rate of circumnutation is the same for all plants.


Respuesta dada por: mandalorian02


Todas menos la 4


Desconozco del tema pero por lógica me voy por esa es que habla físicamente la manera en la cirmunutación

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