2. Listen to a linguistic talk about the do's and don'ts of studying a language. For each of the sentences below, decide if it
is something that will help you become fluent in English or it won't help you become fluent. (page 13)
You will become fluent
You won't become fluent
1. If you repeat words twenty times,
2. If you memonze lists of adverbs
3. If you practice verb formulas,
4. If you read a lot in English,
5. If you do things you like in English,
1. you wont become fluent
2. you wont become fluent
3. you will become fluent
4. you will become fluent
5. you will become fluent
si te sirvio dale corazon ;)

Complete the sentences.
1. If you repeat words twenty times, you will become fluent.
2. If you memorize lists of adverbs, you won't become fluent.
3. If you practice verb formulas, you will become fluent.
4. If you read a lot in English, you will become fluent.
5. If you do things you like in English, you will become fluent.
First Conditional.
Se trata de las oraciones que se componen por dos, para comunicar las consecuencias que trae consigo una acción. El First Conditional, es muy común en el idioma, ya que comunica lo que sucederá en el futuro si se ejecuta una acción.
Cómo construir Oraciones con If condicional en presente:
- If + Sujeto + Verbo en presente + , + Sujeto + Will + Verbo en Presente.
- Sujeto + Will + Verbo en Presente + If + Sujeto + Verbo en presente.
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