• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: rodrigueza419
  • hace 9 años

10 oraciones con el conectivo under


Respuesta dada por: DavidMarioLC
no es conectivo ante todo..es una preposicion de lugar y su signifacado es UNDER=debajo de

aqui tus 10 oraciones:

1- there is a cat under the table.

2-My book is under the chair.

3- there is a pencil under the cabinet.

4- there is a dog under the bed.

5-there is eraser under the curtains.

6-there is a ball under the bed.

7- there is a glass under the umbrella.

8- there are two cell under the chair.

9- there is a chair under the picture.

10- there is a book under the pillow.

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