• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: marisol6581
  • hace 4 años

segundo Audio
1) How was the movie?
a) Scary
b) Boring
2) Where was she last night?
a) Back home
b) At work
Grammar 2-07 | False Beginner | CEFR A1
Past Tense - Be (Was, Were)
Listen to four conversations in the past tense.
Conversation 1
3) How was the test?
a) Very long
b) Not easy
4) What was not there?
a) Jason and Sue
b) Tom and Katie
Grammar Challenge
Man: How
Woman: It
Man: Was it scary?
Woman: Yes,
really scary
Man: Nice. Was it crowded?
Woman: No,
There weren't many people there,
Fill in the blanks with the correct word.
Con #3
Conversation 2
Con #1
it was
was the
it wasn't
Con #2
was at
was there
was you
it wasn
was it
were you
was in
was really
Man: Where
last night?
Woman: /
Man: Really? I was at your shop. You weren't there.
Woman: No, 1
the back working.
Man: You were?
Woman: Really! I
Conversation 3
Speaking Challenge
Match the answers with the quest
Man: How was the test?
Woman: It was really hard.
Man: How long
Woman: There
20 problems.
Man: Yeah! What
Woman: Let's just say, it
great, but it wasn't bad
1) As a child, what was your favo
2) Who was your favorite teache
3) Who was your best friend?
4) Were you a good student?
5) Were you good at sports?
onversation 4
It was Stevie. He was my
No, was terrible. I was no
It was Labor Day
Yes, I was not bad.
1] It was Mr. Wilson.
n: Do you know
at the party?
man: Jason was there. So
: Were Tom and Katie there?
man: No, they
there, but their
Oh, I see. So was it fun?
What about you? Share yo​


Respuesta dada por: sofiaguillen345


wtf que es esto Bro no se inglés Bro lo siento mucho

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