• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mariatruji345
  • hace 4 años

6 oraciones con have to y has to rapidooooooooo


Respuesta dada por: valejuana1512


You have to tell the police what you saw. / tienes que decirle a la policía lo que viste.

I have to start preparing dinner. / Tengo que comenzar a preparar la cena.

I have to fix this before the boss finds out. / Tengo que arreglar esto antes de que se entere el jefe.

You don’t have to tell me what I already know. / no tienes que decirme lo que ya sé.

He has to stop trusting her. / Tiene que dejar de confiar en ella.

Do don’t have to shout, I can hear you. / No tienes que gritar, puedo oirte.

She has to clean the house before they arrive. / Tiene que limpiar la casa antes de que lleguen.


espero que te sirva

dame coronita

Respuesta dada por: JulianAndres9820


Have you ever been in Canada?

She hasn´t got enough money to buy such a big house.

He has a lot of friends.

Have a piece of cake, please…

They had never heard about igloos until they travelled to Alaska.

I always have my car washed and polished at that place.


espero ayudar corona plis soy novato

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