• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: saikisensei
  • hace 5 años

Identify each of the following sentences as either simple or compound. Write simp for simple or comp for compound on the line before the sentence. Then underline each subject once and each verb twice.

1. Male Muslims pray at the mosque on Fridays, and these special Friday mosques are often large buildings.

2. A courtyard and a prayer hall usually are important features of a Friday mosque.

3. The prayer hall has no seats; it has carpets instead.

4. The call to prayer at first was delivered from the roof of a house but now comes
from a minaret, or tower.

5. Every mosque has at least one minaret, and some have as many as six.

6. Some Islamic countries have square minarets; others have spiral shapes.

7. The builders of some mosques imitated Christian churches and often used columns from older buildings.

8. Many mosques have rich decorations, but none have pictures of humans or animals.

9. Flowers and geometrical designs are permitted and often ornament the walls.

10. Some mosques use a combination design; they combine domes with several slender


Respuesta dada por: thgvv00


Identifique cada una de las siguientes frases como simple o compuesta. Escribir simp para simple o comp para compuesto en la línea antes de la oración. A continuación, subraya cada tema una vez y cada verbo dos veces.

1. Los musulmanes masculinos rezan en la mezquita los viernes, y estas mezquitas especiales de los viernes son a menudo grandes edificios.

2. Un patio y una sala de oración suelen ser características importantes de una mezquita de los viernes.

3. La sala de oración no tiene asientos; tiene alfombras en su lugar.

4. El llamado a la oración al principio se entregó

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