• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ariannatomala24
  • hace 4 años

1. Write the simple past form of the verbs below:
have-____________ collect- ______________
go- ______________ paint- _______________
drive- ____________ invent- ______________
sleep- ____________ stop- _______________
think- ____________ hug- ________________
write _____________ jump- _______________
come- ____________ see- ________________
fly- ______________ become- _____________
drink- ______________ buy- _______________
sing- _____________ cry- ________________
2. Separate the verbs from exercise 1 into the columns:
Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs

3. Change the sentences into Negative forms:
a. Anne played tennis yesterday. _____
b. You ate some hamburgers last night. _________________________
c. They visited Rio in October.(­)
d. She wrote a whole book yesterday.(?)

4. Complete the sentences with the past of the verbs in ( ):
a. I _________ coffee today!
b. My friend ________ the day at home.(spend)
c. Wallace _________his mother a beautiful present. (give)
d. the students ________the tickets for the show. (buy)


Respuesta dada por: mb0347115

Respuesta: 1. Write the simple past form of the verbs below:

have-_____had_______ collect- __collected____

go- ______went_____ paint- ____painted_______

drive- _____drove______ invent- ____invented_______

sleep- ____slept_____ stop- _____stopped______

think- __thought______ hug- ___hugged_________

write ____wrote______ jump- ___jumped_________

come- ____came_____ see- _____saw________

fly- ______flew_____ become- _____became______

drink- _____drank_______ buy- ____bought._____

sing- ____sang____ cry- _____cried________

2. Separate the verbs from exercise 1 into the columns:

Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs

Regular Verbs                  Irregular Verb

      Collected                             Had          

      Painted                                Went

      Invented                              Drove

     Stopped                              Slept

     Hugged                               Thought

     Jumped                               Wrote

     Cried                                    Came







3. Change the sentences into Negative forms:

a. Anne played tennis yesterday. _Anne didn't play tennis yesterday_

b. You ate some hamburgers last night. _You didn't ate some hamburgers last night_

c. They visited Rio in October.(­)

_They didn't visited the river in October___

d. She wrote a whole book yesterday.(?)

_She didn't wrote a whole book yesterday._

4. Complete the sentences with the past of the verbs in ( ):

a. I __make___ coffee today!


b. My friend __spend____ the day at home.(spend)

c. Wallace ___give___his mother a beautiful present. (give)

d. the students ____buy____the tickets for the show. (buy)

Espero haberte ayudado :)

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