• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: elkevinpe0724
  • hace 4 años

Ahora, observa la siguiente infografía acerca de la rutina diaria de Aline.Lee lo que Aline dice acerca de su rutina diaria, busca las acciones de la infografía en el texto y subráyalas. Luego, procura leer el texto sin buscar en el diccionario para saber qué tanto entendiste y por último sí busca aquellas palabras que te son totalmente desconocidas y consígnalas en el cuaderno.

Every morning I get up at 6 a.m. Then, I always do yoga. After that, I have a shower and put on some fresh clothes. I usually have orange juice and some toasts for breakfast. After, I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I never get dressed before I eat breakfast.
I go to work by bicycle at 8.00 am and I start work at 8.30 am every morning. I usually have a meeting with my supervisor about my job and I often have lunch at the office.
I usually finish work by six o’clock. As soon as I arrive home at night I wash off my make-up and pull on my scruffiest clothes. I cook dinner just for me, but on Fridays, some friends come to have dinner at home. Most evenings I just watch TV after dinner and I go to bed at 11:00 p.m.


Respuesta dada por: morantatiana02


ponlo en español tan bien

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